

Cell host & Mircrobe:新生儿肠道微生物菌群研究

肠道微生物菌群被认为与人类健康息息相关。但是微生物菌群是如何稳定建立的,还没有很好的定量研究。在近期的《Cell Host & Microbe》上,通过宏基因组测序分析,科学家们分析了新生儿和母亲肠道菌群,分析了新生儿出生第一年肠道微生物菌群的建立。他们发现,自然生成的婴儿和剖腹产婴儿的肠道菌群存在很大差异,前者更接近他们的母亲。而且不同时期的饮食不同,微生物菌群也存在着差异,并随着时间变化,微生物菌群趋于稳定和成熟,越来越接近成人肠道微生物菌群。






Dynamics and Stabilization of the Human Gut Microbiome during the First Year of Life

The gut microbiota is central to human health, but its establishment in early life has not been quantitatively and functionally examined. Applying metagenomic analysis on fecal samples from a large cohort of Swedish infants and their mothers, we characterized the gut microbiome during the first year of life and assessed the impact of mode of delivery and feeding on its establishment. In contrast to vaginally delivered infants, the gut microbiota of infants delivered by C-section showed significantly less resemblance to their mothers. Nutrition had a major impact on early microbiota composition and function, with cessation of breast-feeding, rather than introduction of solid food, being required for maturation into an adult-like microbiota. Microbiota composition and ecological network had distinctive features at each sampled stage, in accordance with functional maturation of the microbiome. Our findings establish a framework for understanding the interplay between the gut microbiome and the human body in early life.